Data Visualisations How does a casual election work? General election candidates in Malta are allowed to contest in two different
Lifestyle Do the hard things. Back in 2014, I came across this [] online
Business IKEA and the future of living The keyword guiding IKEA’s history is innovation. Ever since its start
No Code Analysing famous speeches using Metaranx - an AI no code platform Update - Metaranx is unfortunately no longer operational, but there are several
No Code Building a No code app for a friend's side hustle One of my friends started baking and selling pizzas during the COVID-19
Entertainment Monopoly: the board game In 1903, Elizabeth Magie, a self-declared left-wing feminist, patented the Landlord’s
Politics A branding overhaul for Austria's ÖVP In 2017, the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) had a slogan which
Politics How did Keir Starmer win? I recently wrote about the online campaigns of the three candidates for
Politics Towards a new country in Europe? On Monday, Politico Europe released an article about the increasing sectarian discourse
Politics Burundi's 2020 election Burundians will be voting for the next President and their new Deputies